Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thanking God for my wonderful children

We mother's look forward with great joy to hear from our children on Mother's Day and we are so very thankful when we speak with them on the phone, have them over for dinner, share loving thoughts on email and FB or lovely cards hand delivered or via snail mail.

All of us 'have' mothers but not all of us have been a human being that is. I have enjoyed immensely watching my daughter care for her horses, cats and dogs with amazing love and concern. My son-in-love and our other daughter feed their dogs raw chicken (God meant for animals to eat raw meat) and take so much time to take it apart in proper proportions. Roger walks the dogs, as they live in an apt. blgd, about two or three times a day. When there is a new litter of kitties, our granddaughters are caring and loving them. Truly the entire family is involved
in caring for the various pets.